According to Gartner, by 2020, 70% of White-collar workers will Interact with conversational platforms such as Chatbot.

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It’s easy to understand this prediction by having knowlege of ‘’Millennials’’ behavior The ‘’Millennials’’ represent the range of people born between 1980 and 1996.

Having being born and/or grown up in decades when the internet had already been discovered and the technological advances were progressively occurring, the “Millennials” developed their own characteristics, totally different from their previous generations.

You can find below some of the benefits of chatbot:

Connective. They are always connected, there are no limitations in time or location.

Expressive. They use social media to express their opinions, satisfactions and dissatisfactions as well.

Need of technological tools.  They use them for different purposes such as: informational, recreational, professional and/or interpersonal.

Innovative. They seek innovative solutions to ordinary problems.

Informative. Search, receive and absorve information in real time.

Skeptical.  Takes a skeptical positioning about knowledge, facts, opinions and established beliefs

Given the characteristics above, today’s companies main challenge towards this generation is set: to identify and adapt to the way they behave and communicate.

It is necessary to be alert about inovation, to develop and invest on new technological tools capable of corresponding to the needs of ‘’Millennials’. Since this generation is inserted at companies’ environments they can be your employee, your consumer or even your supplier. Besides, it is necessary to be capable of going along with the speed that they communicate and act. It means to be available to assist them 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.

Chatbot is a highly adaptable conversational technology and from the consolidation of the above scenario, it became an important ally for companies to overcome the challenge of communicating and delivering to the millenials their needs and desires. With chatbot technology it is possible to provide an optimized customer service, full time and independent of human availability, as well as meet the various informational needs that companies’ internal or external audiences can have, through multiple communication channels such as: Whatsapp, Messenger, SMS, Email, Telegram, among others.

Chatbot’s technology can be inserted at any segment and market, regardless of whether the market is B2B or B2C, or if your public is characterized as mass, crowd, segmented audience or on a personal level. It is possible to optimize the customer service to any kind of audience through chatbot.

You can find below some of the benefits of chatbot:

  • Adaptable to any company’s communicative processes
  • Agility in customer response
  • Availability 24/7
  • Positive impact on the customer experience
  • Time optimization
  • Real-time troubleshooting

To deploy this feature in your company, you need to rely on information technology and artificial intelligence expertise that companies like ours can offer.

Totaldocs’s software developers and specialists enable personalization and adapt the tool in question to your company’s processes, delivering the agility, information and assertiveness that Millennials customers require.,agility,atendimento,B2C,chatbot,conversação,conversational,desenvolvedores,full time,geração y,Inteligência artificial,mercado B2B,millennials,software,technology,tecnologiaAccording to Gartner, by 2020, 70% of White-collar workers will Interact with conversational platforms such as Chatbot. It’s easy to understand this prediction by having knowlege of ‘’Millennials’’ behavior The ‘’Millennials’’ represent the range of people born between 1980 and 1996. Having being born and/or grown up in decades when the...Criação, produção e envio de documentos em Multicanal